District 4
Joe Mizrahi (he/him)
District 4 School Board Director
School Board Member-At-Large
Director Mizrahi represents District 4, which includes Fremont, Queen Anne, South Lake Union, and parts of downtown.
Joe Mizrahi was selected on April 3, 2024 as part of the Director Appointment process for the District 4 seat.
Committee and Liaison Assignments
- Audit Committee, Member
- BEX/BTA Capital Oversight Committee Liaison
- WIAA Representative
Schools Represented
Board Meetings
About Joe Mizrahi
My primary interest in joining the Seattle School Board is based on my time and experience working with members of the community. I have lived in North Seattle for the past 15 years. Professionally, I feel like my job is, at its core, all about community organizing. I know that true community engagement is built around two simple, yet critical components: Time and Listening.
Contact Director Mizrahi
School Board Director
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